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CogX Newsletters

Stay up-to-date on what’s happening in your industry with CogX’s free weekly newsletters.


Our Research & Intelligence team curates the week’s top news and research across industries and pairs it with expert analysis. Use the briefings to get ahead at work — or simply to look smarter at dinner parties.


We provide free briefings on:

  • Preparing for AI: AI safety news, politics and regulation, the latest research and thought leadership, and use cases 

  • Cinema & AI: How AI is changing film, TV, music and the arts

  • The Race to Net Zero: Climate change, green tech and energy policy 

  • The Future of Work: HR tech, the future of the office and AI

  • AI & DeepTech: Cutting-edge innovations across AI, biotech, quantum and more

  • Future of Capital Allocation: The latest trends in startups, venture capital and markets, as well as key deals and job opportunities

AI brings incredible opportunities but also significant risks. Get ahead by staying on top of the latest developments on AI safety across politics, regulation, AI thinking, research and use cases. Subscribe to the preparing for AI newsletter here

Preparing for AI
Your weekly newsletter on AI safety and ethics

AI is transforming film, television, music and the arts in exciting ways. But what do these changes mean for those working in the industry? We examine the effects. Subscribe to the Cinema & AI newsletter here

Cinema & AI
Your weekly newsletter on the intersection between AI and creative content

The world’s climate crisis is fast-evolving. But so are solutions – in climate tech, green energy and more. In this briefing, we explore how to safeguard the future of our planet. Subscribe to the Race to Net Zero newsletter here

Race to Net Zero
Your weekly newsletter on the climate crisis

Forces like the pandemic and rise of AI are changing the way we work. In this newsletter, we examine new technologies in HR tech, the future of the workplace, and what automation means for jobs. Subscribe to the Future of Work newsletter here

Future of Work
Your weekly newsletter on emerging technologies are changing the workplace

We spotlight the latest technical research and news from scientists, engineers, researchers and others breaking new ground in deep tech. The newsletter highlights top voices, recent technical achievements and under-the-radar innovations. Subscribe to the AI & DeepTech newsletter here

AI & DeepTech
Your weekly newsletter on cutting-edge innovations in AI, biotech, quantum and more

Emerging technologies are spurring booming investment — but how much of it is just hype? We examine the latest trends across startups, venture capital and markets to help you stay ahead in this rapidly changing economy. Subscribe to the Future of Capital Allocation newsletter here

Future of Capital Allocation
Your weekly newsletter on the fast-evolving world of investing
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