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Cinema & AI

Your weekly CogX newsletter on AI and content creation
The week's developments on the intersection of AI and creative content | 13.02.24

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This week, AI's impact on creativity spans filmmaking and fashion, with technologies like video diffusion models and neural radiance fields revolutionising movie production and AI-generated designs making waves at London Fashion Week. Is this controversial tech finally being welcomed into the arts?


Meanwhile, Meta is handling AI misinformation one image at a time, with a new initiative to label deepfakes across its social media platforms — other platforms will likely follow suit.


We cover these stories, plus AI Keytalk’s personalised film recommendation platform, Maria Scharder’s exploration of AI love and ethics, gen-AI art for your TV, and the sci-fi dystopian short ‘Dream Master Lake’.

— Charlie and the Research and Intelligence Team

P.S. You can now register your interest for CogX Festival LA 6-9 May, where we’ll be talking all things AI, Impact, and Transformational Tech!

Cinema and Industry

🎥 How will gen-AI lead to a new era of filmmaking? According to a recent report, advances in video diffusion models and neural radiance fields (NeRFs) will soon enable detailed virtual scene creation and photo-realistic avatars, reducing the need for physical sets and actors.


🔍 Can't decide what film to watch? AI Keytalk is an AI-powered platform designed to guide users to films that align with their detailed preferences and context, offering film enthusiasts a personalised discovery experience moving beyond standard search techniques.


💔 Film Review: ‘I’m Your Man’ — AI, love and ethics. Maria Schrader’s "I'm Your Man" is a philosophical romance that explores the relationship between a woman and a humanoid robot, prompting viewers to reflect on the future of human connections in an AI-driven world. 

🤖 AI set to revolutionise 3D animation. Media2Face is an AI tool that converts video footage into detailed face-tracking data, capturing human expressions with increased realism. The tool will simplify animation workflows and digital storytelling for movies, games, and VR.

Arts and Entertainment

👗 AI is amplifying fashion creativity. London Fashion Week has seen an increased profiling of AI-generated designs, with experts praising the tool as the key to diversifying fashion: opening new creative avenues, speeding up design, and championing sustainability.


🎨 How to keep your art out of generators. With AI art on the rise, artists are struggling to keep their work away from generators. However, tools like Glaze and Nightshade can now help artists shield their work and opt out of AI databases to maintain control and ownership. 


🛡 Meta to label all AI-generated images on Facebook, Instagram, and Threads to address AI misinformation on social media. Despite challenges in detecting AI fakes, Meta plans to set industry standards, although experts caution that these measures may be bypassed. 

🗣️ Generate voice-controlled AI art, for your TV. A Raspberry Pi project, Lumina, enables you to create TV-displayed AI art using voice commands. Developed by DevMiser, it uses open-source AI tools for image generation based on speech-to-text prompts.

In case you missed it

Dream Master Lake is an AI-generated dystopian sci-fi short exploring a dreamer scientist, a secret underground lab, and a time machine. Check it out here:

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🚀 Remember to register your interest for CogX Festival LA 6-9 May!

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